Here is a collection of actual quotes from patients and colleagues of Dr. Shoval.
These have been reproduced verbatim, except for occasional (indicated) redactions for confidentiality.

What patients say about Dr. Shoval

Always my daughter and well treated and us as a companion too, the service is excellent without Mentioning the wonderful doctor kind and extremely professional and a_ectionate with our children… Thank you very much to the whole team.

Excellent service, show care about my well-being, very informative and feel no rush. Amazing team!

I can’t never have a bad experience they are an amazing team I love my visit with my son.

They treat my daughter as a queen

Dr. Shoval is incredible! One of the kindest and most friendly, amiable, personable providers I have ever met!

Dr. Shoval is incredible. We had heard good things about her but she was even more knowledgeable, patient and engaging than we could have hoped. Kiddo is autistic and Dr Shoval was amazing with her. The entire office staff and nurse were wonderful

It is always a pleasure to visist Dr. Shoval she is so well known respectfully and care so much about her patients.

We met Dr. Shoval for an assessment of our 6-month-old baby, who was born prematurely. Dr. Shoval, a pediatric specialist with expertise in cerebral palsy and special needs, was exceptionally thorough and compassionate. From the moment we walked into her office, her empathy and genuine concern for our child’s well-being were evident. She spent over an hour with us, getting our inputs on the baby’s progress, physically assessing him and taking time to talk through our concerns. Dr. Shoval’s depth of knowledge and excellent bedside manner provided us with much-needed reassurance. We left her office feeling confident about the next steps for our child’s development. If you are seeking a specialist who combines professional excellence with heartfelt compassion, Dr. Shoval is an outstanding choice.

Dr. Shoval is an amazing doctor and listens to everything I have to say. When I had a concern, she immediately looked at what I was talking about and answered me without seeming bothered or inconvenienced.

Great visit. Provider is nice and knowledgeable. Wait time was under 10 minutes which is very important for a child with anxiety.

Excellent experience. Professional staff and the dr really took time to listen to my son and provide proper diagnosis and treatment in a way he and I can understand.

Muy buena - Very good

muito bem recebidos desde o início - Was very well received from the start

Dr.Shoval is the best doctore for my son.

Dr Shovel explained the procedure, expected benefits, and possible side effects fully to me

He (the patient) hates going to the doctor. But he really likes you guys and says, “Mom, they’re so nice to me!” I’m really grateful for you all for being his provider. I just want to say thank you.

Thank you Dr. Shoval for all the guidance you have given to me and X today. Extremely grateful.

Great…thanks a million again. You made my nephew’s day today and most importantly gave him hope

Your help in this dire situation is invaluable and we can’t thank you enough…Thanks again for all your help

I am able to pick him up much more easily, he seems much more relaxed….He feels more relaxed. He likes that his arrm are more steady especially at night and while sitting in his wheelchair.He like his legs don’t more while in the recliner chair… He us drooling but it seems to bubble up near his lips. He feels less water build in his mouth. He mouth is not dry…

I see a big difference in X while under your care…

We love you ! Thank you for doing such life changing things for X.

Dr. Shoval is extremely knowledgeable and patient and friendly! All things anyone could ask for in a pediatric physician. I knew I had come to the right Dr.

My son has complex special needs and she spent over an hour evaluating him and ensuring he has all the necessary information and equipment for his development.

I have already recommended her to everyone

Thank you 😊🙏🏼 You’re such a blessing. I hope you have a wonderful night and we’ll see you soon for Botox.

Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter. She just got up! In getting her dressed I immediately saw relief in her thumbs, arms and shoulders. Her back seemed more relaxed and she said she had no pain in the hip or any other part of her
body! All good! She actually looks better in her wheelchair and says she feels good.

He is “more tolerable with the stretching and he’s looking a little bit more towards the left on his own small changes but they’re positive changes which I’m excited about. We really appreciate your patience and being so kind to us during the botox injections sessions. I’m happy he got it done to help him out with his recovery and you were able to squeeze him in on Wednesday.Thank you for checking up.”

Just wanted to share a picture of my son for the first time laying his head on the left side yesterday.

Thank you so much for everything Dr. Shoval

Thank you for always looking out for her

I wanted to thank you for taking a sincere interest in seeing my grandson. I had recommended that my daughter see you, and know that she was somewhat apprehensive after her pediatrician told her to see an orthopedist. After seeing you she felt confident and comfortable and made me look good in referring the case to you. :-) Wishing you the very best,

We always go with whatever you recommendation would be

Thanks so much for your cooperation and kindness

Thanks so much for your kindness

Thanks so much for your help and kindness

Thanks for your help as always

Thanks so much for your kindness I appreciate it ;

Thank you for working with my daughter on Thursday… I appreciate your help!

Dr Shoval, hiii, He is doing so well, I can notice he is much flexible, and OMG his legs, I’m so happy, he is too I told him, we have to practices a lot the walk and taking things ( making more slime) . He is agree with these I can pull of his sweater easily.

He is doing so well today after the Botox injection. I’m attaching the video of the grillo walker Thank so much for your care.

Thanks again for your care of our daughter

Thank you very much for the recommendations redacted is more active and does not cry, I even asked him are you make poop ? and he answers me yes, and he has no discomfort

He can turn his head left and right now. He’s a different kid!

was amazing the dr. shoval speak spanish was easy to understand everything…

I just want to let you know that X is doing great and the drooling has diminished by 80%. Like you said, she still drools only when mouthing or when very focus on something looking down. We’ll keep you posted if we see regression but so far so good. As always, very appreciated for everything you do for X

[..] After over a year of living in constant pain, I met a physiatrist, Dr. Shoval, who changed my life. She immediately diagnosed what was causing my pain. She took me off all my medications and started me on a very specialized physical therapy regime. Slowly, I got better. I am now able to do everything I did before my knee injury- ski, swim, hike, and most importantly, live my life without constant pain. I know that I was not able to perform as well as I could have academically in my first two years of high school, had this not happened to me. However, I truly feel that this happened for me versus to me because I now know the real value of my health over all else.

What colleagues say about Dr. Shoval

… which is wonderful because Dr. Aura Shoval is oiur physiatrist there. Dr. Shoval is one of the most amazing, bright, thorough, and compassionate physicians I know. I would highly recommend that your friend’s child see Dr. Shoval.

Thank you again so much Dr. Shoval! I wanted to tell you specifically that I always really appreciate your lectures because you are able to get people to participate! There was more participation during your lecture yesterday than I think any other virtual lecture we have had since Covid started and I think it makes it a much more enjoyable experience for everyone. So thank you! “thank you so much! Especially for doing it in the middle of your conference. We really enjoyed the lecture yesterday!

Thank you again for taking the time out of your schedule to lecture on Wednesday! The the lecture interactive and engaging. I know this is not easy to do, especially on a teleconferencing platform. In addition to the content, you brought so much energy to the presentation. Please let me know if there are any other topics you are interested in lecturing on in the future. I will make a note of it.


I just wanted to touch base as I saw X the first time since receiving his botox injections. I am so impressed with his range and alignment. His gait training is improving drastically with the rifton walker with the decrease in tone and spasticity.

I was super impressed with X when I saw her last week. Improved sitting balance on 6” box, her hands and arms are more relaxed and she holds her weight through her arms better in quadruped, i can guide her through quadruped to squat to stand opening the hips up into abduction and external rotation….less scissoring and flatter feet in standing. Does not seem to be sore in the legs (and as might be expected no skin reaction at injection sites). Really nice. Thanks!

Thanks for getting back in touch with me Aura. :-) Really, you are quite a few bars higher than most physicians with regards to keeping correspondence. It is most appreciated by me, and I think more importantly by the families, who have such high praises for you! I’d love your insights on BTX, baclofen, ETOH, SDR and anything else to manage spasticity and NM impairments

HI Dr. Shoval: First I wanted to say thank you x1000. X received her equipment. If it wasn’t for you she never would have received it. I only had a chance to see her in the hi lo chair which is well fitted and she is at this point tolerating well. Thank you Dr. Shoval! What a great conversation and team work going on here, I love it! Miss her much. Glad she has a great team between you all! I’m very happy that they are coming to see you. Kindly let me know your thoughts.
Warm Regards,

Some quotes from around the world

I was looking into appropriate management and i came to one of your article in Americal journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation where you have presented case series of succesful delivery of botox in SMA patients. I went into your resume and discover that you are an expertise in this field of botox administration. I wanted to have a second opinion about botox from you as you yourself is experienced in this field…I know i am writing a lot but as a father of a SMA child and a curious doctor myself, i would be grateful if you could share your experiences. This would be really helpful in planning for botox…

Thank you so much for your prompt response. It was definitely helpful and will surely add a lot before i finally decide for botox here in poland.

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